Tuesday, October 22, 2013

easter island

               This is a paragraph will describe to you my reasons for my blog I'm making so the first reason  that you are going to like my blog is because it is so fun and I'm sure that you are going to have fun. The second reason is that it will make you like my blog is that I will post everything and everything I will post it I will post pictures and fun stuff with it. The third reason is that there will be very fun activities and very cool stuff and creative stuff and I think you will like it. So I really want you when you visit it when you go out from it you be happy that you visited my blog and you liked it and thank you a lot for reading my blog plot and I'm glad that you read it thank you very much and if it's the first time for you to visit my blog you are more than welcome!

 easter island is one of the heritage things around the whole world. the easter island has 887 statues of moai,the rapa nuiare the people who built the statues. the name easter island was given by the island's first recorder european visitor. easter island is one of the most isolated inhabited island. easter island is a vlocanic high island. the rainest month in easter island is may.

this place around the world is so outstanding because 1 it is one of the heritage things around the world. 2 nobody ever knows how they made or built those statues and 3 nobody ever knows how the rocks were shaped like a mans face. this island is an island full of huge mysteries to everybody.

the climate zone in easter island is mostly tropical rain forest climate. the nearest ocean to easter island is southern pacific ocean. it has vegetation and biome in its place. 

list your sources:

1. easter island information.com
2. easter island.com
3. cool wonders.com
4. Google images , Easter island, cool pic.com

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