Victoria Falls
Location (latitude and
longitude): 17° 56' 0" S / 25° 50' 0" E.
Victoria Falls is at the
borders of Zambia and Zimbabwe and the continent where it is located is Africa. Victoria Falls' vegetation zone is rain fall and heat. It has two seasons rainy and dry,
this is its climatic zone. The nearest body of water to the Victoria Falls is
the Zambezi River. The Features of this natural wonder is that it is one of the
most beautiful places in the world. Victoria Falls is known as the largest
falling water in the world. More than five hundred million cubic meters of
water per minute fall over the edge into a deep narrow passage over one hundred
meters. It was named after the British queen. It is known as smoke and average.
The width is: 1688 meters and the height is 108 meters.Victoria Falls the
largest waterfall in the world based on width and height and its one of the
seven wonders of the world. This makes it an outstanding place in the world. There is a lot of rainbows there because of the water and the sun.
My Sources: google search,
Victoria Falls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Victoria Falls - Zambia Tourism, Victoria Falls – Zambia Tourism.
Pictures: google images (Victoria Falls).
Prepared by: Yasmeen Tahseen
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